Seattle Seahawks situation is much better for John Schneider than Detroit

Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Seahawks General Manager John Schneider.

A better case to remain in Seattle

If it comes down to personnel and winning, Seattle has Detroit beat by a mile. Both teams have elite-level quarterbacks (Russell Wilson and Matthew Stafford) as well as offensive and defensive lines that need more work. That’s where the similarities end. The Seahawks have a huge advantage in skill position players. They are a winning team. Their window for success is open for another few seasons. Additionally, Seattle offers stability. Pete Carroll has been the Seahawks head coach since 2010. The hire Detroit is about to make will be their fifth head coach in the same amount of time.

Schneider addressed Rapoport’s report. His full quote is on the internet. To paraphrase, Schneider said that he and his wife love Seattle, Coach Carroll, the 12s, and Seahawks ownership. This time of year always leads to lots of rumors. “Drop panic level to 5.”

It’s GM speak. 12s should recognize that Schneider needed to say what he did if he remained silent, the speculation increases that he’s leaving. Those comments also endear him to the fan base. Schneider has proven himself to be a strong negotiator. He knows how to play his hand. Ownership would be smart to extend Schneider’s contract now. Preferably, tying Carroll and Schneider together until 2025, when Carroll’s contract expires.

There are other incentives for Schneider to stay in the Emerald City. Carroll is 69-years-old, he’ll be 74 when his contract ends. Though Coach Pete shows a much younger man’s energy and enthusiasm, it’s unlikely he stays in the job that long. At that point, Schneider is the last man standing. Personnel control shifts over to him. He’d also be able to hire his guy as Carroll’s replacement. In doing so, laying a foundation for another long and prosperous run.

Schneider already passed on his dream job in Green Bay. So, he’s not likely to leave now.

My final thought is, I don’t expect Schneider to leave the Seahawks. At least not now, but until he signs a Seahawks extension, I won’t rule out the possibility of him leaving.

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