Seattle Seahawks: Hater’s guide to the 2022 season

Pacific Northwest Sports
Seattle Seahawks fans.

Seattle Seahawks Coaches

Pete Carroll won his power struggle with Wilson, which is right up there with Rocky taking down Drago as far as upsets go. Get ready for two runs right up the middle and an incompletion on third and long for the rest of his tenure. That’s right, the clogged toilet offense is back in Seattle!!!

Shane Waldron left the Rams to be the guy coordinating the “offense,” a decision I’m sure he doesn’t regret. Every other assistant Sean McVey has had is a head coach, but Shane’s gonna keep plugging away with Geno Smith at the helm. A fantastic career move.

I know there’s a new Defensive Coordinator, but it doesn’t matter. Carroll is the architect, and it will be his defense forever and ever. The league figured it out five years ago, but Coach Pete swears it’s an execution issue and not the scheme.

In a league where pressure is paramount to stopping air attacks, Seattle insists on a four-man rush to nowhere. Anytime you can give your opponent all day to throw, with defensive backs who struggle to maintain coverage, well that screams success.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, you Haters Guide to the Hawks. I know my good friend Chris Phillips will try and throw out some stats to counter my arguments. Other than the roughly 5,000,000-1 time of possession disparity Seattle had last year, none of those stats matter.

The Seattle Seahawks had a wretched offense last year, WITH RW3 running the show. Now that he’s gone, they should start punting on third down to surprise the defense and flip the field on occasion. 4-13 would be a wild success…..Go Hawks.

Related Story: Reasons to be optimistic about the Seahawks in 2022

Seattle Seahawks fans, it’s not all doom and gloom. Check back with us tomorrow for the Optimist’s Guide to the 2022 season.

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