Facing Off With First Ever Seattle Kraken All-Star Jordan Eberle

Seattle Kraken
Seattle Kraken forward Jordan Eberle at 2022 NHL All-Star Game. (Photo by Jonathan West)

  Where did your middle name come from?

E:  Haha yeah, I actually have two with Leslie Christopher. My wife probably knows this better than I do. My dad’s middle name is Leslie. I think it originated from something like my great grandfather on each side of my mom and dad’s middle names.

Who’s the Best

W:  Who are the first two players you would choose to be on a (forward) line with from the past, present, future, or fantasy?

E:  Obviously you want to play with Gretzky and Lemieux, those would be my two.

W:  Any choices from today?

E:  Guys in the game right now? (In Edmonton) I played with McDavid. That’s a pretty amazing player. And Crosby. I’ve had a chance to play with both of them and they’re pretty incredible.

Playing for the Kraken

W:  I always ask this to everyone when they make a big trip. You’re on a big trip with an expansion team right now, so what’s the best experience that you’ve had with Seattle? And what’s the worst?

E:  Haha. When the pick first happened in the expansion draft, I was originally disappointed. I played with that Islanders team four years- made the conference finals twice in a row, and then get switched. But as soon as I got to Seattle and saw the excitement of fans and how pumped they were to have a hockey team, that’s when my mind switched and I was excited. That was probably the moment for me and thought ‘this is gonna be awesome.’

E:  Worst thing? It’s probably cliché, but it rains a lot in Seattle. You don’t see the sun too much. That’s the worst.

W:  Not too many people on the street that say hi or hello?

E:  You know what, there are quite a few in Seattle…

W:  That’s great! Probably recognizing your face helps.

E:  Yeah, but still would just say that you don’t see the sun too much.


W:  What do you miss from New York?

E:  Trying to think… probably the pizza. New York pizza is pretty good.

W:  How was it playing in the new (Islanders and Oak View Group) arena?

E:  I had a chance to play when I got traded from Edmonton to go back there and play in the new building- and that felt weird. But to go to Long Island and play in a new arena? It almost felt like I was playing in the old Coliseum. So it was a little bit easier for me, and it looks beautiful. The fans gave me a great welcome. I always enjoyed my time in New York.

Next: Page 4 – All-Star

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